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Policy & Research Section

  1. To manage and coordinate Government’s policies making under Legal Affairs Division responsibility;
  2. Administer the Trustee Act ( Incorporation) Act 1952 [ Act 258 ] including registration and monitoring trustee corporations;
  3. To act as Pardon Board Secretariat for Security and Appeal cases in Federal Territories;
  4. To monitor the Pardons Board Meeting in every state;
  5. To coordinate the implementation of Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 (Act 711);
  6. To prepare the National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP);
  7. Secretariat for the appointment of SUHAKAM Members and to monitor and coordinate SUHAKAM Annual report and feedbacks;
  8. To manage the appointment of Children Court Advisors under Child Act 2001; and
  9. Secretariat to the Malaysia Law reform Committee (MLRC).


  1. To study and recommend legal reform in Malaysia.