Latest News  bullet go  Self Motivation Programme / Teambuilding Series 2/2015

PUTRAJAYA- 24 November 2015 - A program namely teamwork and teambuilding was coordinated and conducted by Human Resources Department of Legal Affairs Division mainly for the new of staff BHEUU, JBG and Mdl on 24 December 2015. The programme was attended by 30 participants from the Support group 1 and 2.
Various elements of teambuilding were prepared for the one day programme which held at Harmony Hall, BHEUU.
These activities provide opportunities for new staffs of BHEUU, JBG and Mdl to get to know each other better, mingle around and enable to work together as a team.


01 TeamBuilding

02 TeamBuilding

03 TeamBuilding

The participants actively participate in activities

 04 TeamBuilding


05 TeamBuilding