Akta Perlembagaan (Pindaan) (No.2) 2022 [Akta A1656]

1.  Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Akta Perlembagaan (Pindaan) (No.2) 2022 [Akta A1656]?
Akta Perlembagaan (Pindaan) (No.2) 2022 [Akta A1656] adalah pindaan terhadap Perlembagaan Persekutuan dengan memasukkan selepas Perkara 119 suatu peruntukan bagi pengecualian pendaftaran pemilih secara automatik kepada Raja Pemerintah dan pasangan, Yang di-Pertua Negeri dan Pasangan, Bakal Raja, Waris Ganti dan Waris Lain Raja dan Pasangan dan mana-mana orang lain
2.  Apakah tujuan Akta ini diwujudkan?
Pengecualian pendaftaran pemilih secara automatik ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengecualikan Raja Pemerintah dan pasangan, Yang di-Pertua Negeri dan Pasangan, Bakal Raja, Waris Ganti dan Waris Lain Raja dan Pasangan dan mana-mana orang lain untuk tidak terlibat dengan urusan berkaitan dengan pilihan raya dan mengekalkan status berkecuali serta tidak memihak kepada mana-mana parti politik.
Perkara ini adalah lanjutan daripada pelaksanaan kelayakan umur mengundi 18 tahun dan pendaftaran pemilih secara automatik yang telah dikuatkuasakan pada 15 Disember 2021 yang lalu.
3.   Adakah pengecualian ini terpakai secara automatik?
Tidak. Suatu perintah iaitu Perintah Kelayakan Pemilih (Pengecualian) 2022 yang mengandungi maklumat pengecualian dari pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri akan dibentangkan dalam Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja sebelum diperkenankan oleh Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Selepas diwartakan, butiran berkaitan akan dimaklumkan kepada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya oleh Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan untuk tujuan pengemaskinian daftar pemilih.
4.   Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan mana-mana orang lain? Adakah ianya terpakai pada mana-mana orang awam?
Mana-mana orang lain yang diperuntukkan dalam Akta adalah merujuk kepada golongan Kerabat Diraja yang dihasrat oleh negeri-negeri untuk dikecualikan daripada daftar pemilih. Perkara ini tidak terpakai kepada mana-mana orang awam.
5.   Sejauh manakah pengecualian ini terpakai kepada individu yang tersenarai dalam Perintah tersebut?
Pengecualian ini terpakai sepanjang tempoh pemerintahan/perjawatan. Sebarang pindaan yang perlu dilakukan kepada Perintah tesebut lanjutan daripada penamatan tempoh pemerintahan/penjawatan atau apa jua sebab yang berkaitan haruslah dimaklumkan kepada Suruhanjaya Pilihan Raya untuk tujuan pengemaskinian daftar pemilih.
6.   Adakah Akta ini telah dikuatkuasakan?
Ya. Akta ini telah mula dikuatkuasakan pada 15 Disember 2021.

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Act 711

1. What is the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 [Act 711]?
Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 [Act 711] is a new act designed to provide protection for a whistleblower who reveals an inappropriate behavior. For example, if a Whistleblower discloses corrupt practices by his own employer or a friend at his workplace, he is entitled to be protected under this act.
2. What is the protection afforded to whistleblowers?
Protection provided covers three areas as follows:
  1. Confidentiality of information. For example, information on identity, occupation, residential address, place of employment, etc.;
  2. Immunity from civil or criminal action that are imposed on the whistleblower. As example, a whistleblower cannot be sued or prosecuted by the party of whose improper conduct he has disclosed; and
  3. Protection against detrimental action. For example, when a whistleblower had given information about a corrupt employer, he is protected under this Act against dismissal from work by the employer.
3. What is meant by improper conduct?
Improper conduct means an offence which may amount to disciplinary misconduct or criminal offence. Disciplinary offence means an act that breaches discipline in a public or private body. Offence is to be provided by law, code of ethics or circular or employments contract. While criminal offences are offences which are provided under any criminal law of the State, i.e. the Penal Code.
4. What is meant by detrimental action?
Detrimental actions include act of harm, intimidation, harassment, discrimination, termination, suspension of work, threat or anything that causes damage by any person on the whistleblower.
5. To whom does this Act apply?
This Act applies to those who are in public and private sectors. All government bodies, agencies and departments under the Federal Government, State Governments, local authorities, statutory bodies and private bodies such as a company.
6. When will the whistleblower be covered under this Act and can the protection given be revoked?
At the time the whistleblower reveals improper conduct (complaints), he is protected under this Act. Protection will last forever unless revoked under section 11 of this Act.
  • Among the reasons for revocation of protections are – the whistleblower himself participated in the improper conduct;
  • The whistleblower willfully made a false statement;
  • Disclosure is frivolous or vexatious;
  • Questions the merits of a Government policy;
  • Disclosure is made solely to avoid dismissal/disciplinary action;
  • The whistleblower has committed an offense under this Act.
7. If I have information about improper conduct on my employer, who or where should I disclose that information? Can I expose via e-mail, phone or letter?
The whistleblower may disclose such information to any other enforcement agency as Malaysia Police (RMP), Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Road Transport Department (RTD), the Immigration Department of Malaysia and other enforcement agencies. On the basis of "no wrong door policy", enforcement agencies will not refuse the disclosure.

Under the Act, disclosure may be made orally or in writing and the authorized officer shall put it into writing. Disclosure can be made by e-mail, phone or letter, but the whistleblower is required to be present for purpose of verification.

To protect the information, the authorized officer will contact the whistleblower to attend an appointment so that protection under the Act can be implemented.

8. What remedies can be claimed by a whistleblower if he had been subjected to harmful actions?
The informant and the person who has a relationship or connection to the whistleblower may claim remedies from the court if a harmful action is taken against him in response to the disclosure of improper conduct or he is concerned that such action would be taken.

Remedies that may be claimed by the informant –
  1. Damages or compensation;
  2. Injunction (injunctive) or
  3. Any other relief as the court thinks fit.
9. When has this Act been enforced?
This Act has been enforced on 15 December 2010.

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1. What are the statutes under the jurisdiction of Legal Affairs Division?
The statutes under the jurisdiction of Legal Affairs Division are:-
  1. Trustees (Incorporation) Act 1952 [Act 258]; and
  2. Whistleblower Protection Act 2011 [Act 711].
2. What are the objectives of Legal Affairs Division?
The Legal Affairs Division established since September 1995 with the objectives as below:-
  1. To ensure the development of infrastructure for courts and agencies in accordance with the requirement of stakeholder and clients.
  2. To ensure functions related to the incorporation of foundations, the administration of pleads pardon for clemency and law reforms are implemented effectively;
  3. To provide a quick, accurate and full integrity support services to agencies.
3. What kind of services offered by Legal Affairs Division?
The services offered by Legal Affairs Division are as below:-
  1. Trustee Incorporation registration under Trustees (Incorporation) Act 1952 [Act 258];
  2. Coordinator to Whistleblower Protection Act 2011 [Act 711];
  3. Secretariat for Federal Territory Plead Pardons For Clemency Meeting;
  4. Secretariat for State Plead Pardons For Clemency Board Coordination Meeting;
  5. Coordinator to Court Adviser registration for Children Court.
Note:  Should you need any further information, please call Legal Affairs Division (Tel : 03-8885 1000, Fax : 03-8885 1048 / 1051) or email your inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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Act 258

1. What is meant by the Trustees (Incorporation) Act 1952 [Act 258]?
Trustee (Incorporation) Act 1952 [Act 258] is an act to provide for the incorporation of trustees of certain bodies or association of persons formed for the purpose of social / charitable, scientific, literary, or religious education as provided for under Section 2, Act 258. This Act shall apply to Peninsular Malaysia only.
2. What is a Certificate of Incorporation and the effect of incorporation of the trustee?
Certificate of Incorporation means the certificate of registration as a body corporate trust issued by the Minister under the provisions of Section 2, Act 258. A trustee who has received the Certificate of Incorporation will become a body corporate by the name specified in the certificate with a common seal and may sue and be sued in its name.
3. What are the powers of the Minister in implementing Act 258?
Under Act 258, powers of the Minister are :
  1. The Minister may require to obtain a statutory declaration or other evidence to verify the statements and particulars in the application and any other information and evidence as may be necessary.
  2. The Minister may refuse to issue a Certificate of Incorporation if he is satisfied that the application does not comply with the provisions of Act 258 or any regulation made thereunder.
  3. Minister may by order revoke the Certificate of Incorporation if found in breach of any provision under Section 17, Act 258.
4. What are the documents to be submitted for registration?
Documents to be submitted are:
  1. Application Form for the establishment of the Foundation as Enclosure 1 ;
  2. Certified true copy of Identity Card for each trustee;
  3. A copy of bankruptcy search result from the Malaysia Department of Insolvency for each trustee;
  4. A copy of Statutory Declaration for each trustee;
  5. Revenue Stamp RM30 (RM10 x 3 copies) to be attached to the application form;
  6. Three (3) original copies of the Trust Deed stamped by the Inland Revenue Bureau;
  7. Curriculum Vitae for each trustee;
  8. Letter of appointment of trustees by the said body or association of persons;
  9. Common Seal Design;
  10. Rules or regulations drafted by the said body or association of persons; and
  11. Background, the establishment of the foundation's objectives, vision, mission, financial resources, the activities to be undertaken, the power to appoint the members of the board of trustees, the composition of board of trustees (not exceeding 10 pages).
 5. What are the responsibilities of trustees in accordance with Act 258?
Responsibilities of trustees incorporated by Act 258 are:
  1. To record all proof of payments and receipts for every item of expenditure and to submit audited financial statements to the Minister on or before June 30 each year.
  2. To inform the Minister of any changes to the board of trustee, the address, phone number or any other related matters. -
6. In what circumstances will a trustee be disqualified?
Pursuant to Section 6A, a trustee is disqualified if :
  1. He had been convicted of an offense under any law and imposed with a fine of not less than one thousand Malaysian Ringgit (RM1, 000.00) or imprisonment for a term not less than one year or both;
  2. Any order of detention, restricted residence, banishment or deportation has been made against him or any other form of restriction or supervision by bond or otherwise have been imposed against him under any law relating to the security of the Federation or any part thereof, prevention of crime, detention, preventive detention, restricted residence or immigration.
  3. Is a bankrupt, or
  4. Of unsound mind.
7. What is the validity period for the certificate?
The certificate of incorporation shall have perpetual succession unless it is revoked.

8. What causes the revocation or suspension of a corporation?
A corporation may be revoked or suspended by the Minister when:
  1. Incorporated by means of fraud, error or misrepresentation.
  2. Used for the purpose of illegal or harmful or not in accordance with federal security, public order and morals of this country.
  3. Found to have deviated from the original objectives of its establishment.
  4. Found to have violated the provisions in Act 258 and the regulations made under this Act;
  5. Found to have committed an offense under any law punishable by a fine of not less than Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand (RM1, 000) or imprisonment of not less than one year or both.
 9. Can a corporation be voluntarily dissolved?
Voluntary dissolution may be made by a corporation under Section 18 of Act 258.
10. Can a company be registered under the Companies Act 1965/Societies Act 1966 be a founder of a foundation?
11. Where can I get information on the procedure for registration of trustees?
For further information, please contact:
   Legal Affairs Division
   Prime Minister's Department
   Legal Affairs Building
   Precint 3, Federal Government Administrative Centre
   62692 PUTRAJAYA
   Phone number: 03-88851000
   Fax: 03-88851088
   Portal : www.bheuu.gov.my
    e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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